Thursday, June 17, 2010

Post One: The project

So; to begin this blog, and my work, I'm going to need to state what I'm actually doing, and how I'm going to do this. After looking at the optional specifications, I chose option 11, Video / Computer Game.

I instantly thought about what platform this is going to be in, and what the game itself is going to be; and I decided the game shall be an RPG game, much like the games Pokémon and Final Fantasy, and I will program and design it in the Adobe Flash platform, with the combination of additional graphical work in Adobe Fireworks as I understand how to do a fair amount in both of these applications.

I will detail more about the game itself at a later time after researching already existing games, and having longer to think about it.

With option 11, I have to choose two of three ancillary tasks, and below are the two I chose:
  • Design the cover for the games' packaging.
  • Design a magazine advertisement for the game.
I will do these after a large part of my primary task is completed. My primary task is to design the first level of a new computer/video game... My project being an RPG game typically doesn't have 'levels' or 'stages', So I will just create the first section of game-play.

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