Monday, July 12, 2010

Post Ten: Reference Material [Part Three]

The above two videos are game play representations of commercial products (Super Mario World 2: 6 Golden Coins) that have done what I want to do with the movement system in my game.
Features to note are:
- Platform based
- Powerups
- Secret areas
- Enemies
- "Over world" - the level selection system.

The following images may be hard to read and/or understand, click on them for a larger view.

 Left is a two page spread advert for the Game Boy / Accessories which utilises iconic characters from video games on the same console by featuring them in a humerous comic strip.

 This advert is a strike of genius and challenges conventions. It uses just one iconic figure, 5 words of text and 1 logo and you know exactly what it's for. A Pokemon Game Guide (A book that guides you through the game).

Using a phrase that people have ehard before it adds to the way the advert attracts the audiences' attention; and it's a very boldly said statement ad it uses a high contrast colour scheme of Yellow / White on Black.

Note: The lesser desired notices, such as copyright, are written very small and out of the way.

This advert follows a common scheme:
- Logo at top
- Address target audience
- Describes product/promotion
- Recognizable character/figure/photo
- Required Response (How the audience should react, here it tells them to visit a website)
- Extra imagery
- Notices and extra's, often noted with a asterisk (*) next to what the note is about.

This advert may be japanese, but it's here to highlight the importance of good graphics and/or recognizable imagery (here, a character in the game this is advertising is displayed, and a screenshot from the game itself)

Another type of advert for a game when in a magazine is if it's on the front cover of the magazine, like the image of "Nintendo Power" does to the left.

The main article and background image are about what the Pokemon franchise's next game plans are as theyre in early development.

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